Making money on the internet can be tricky and I have found the information available to be repetative. One technique I find interesting and promising is setting up a blog and using advertisers to generate money. I the mean time you get to have a voice in the world through your blog. Very theroputic.
I know this post is out of the norm. The frugal living chapters are coming. I was thinking about ways to up my traffic and researching on it. If you are interested in making money online, then you probably know by now that setting up a blog is a great option, free and easy.
Getting traffic is another can of worms. Once you are up and running and no longer "under construction", you can go here: This will give you they free and paid ways to get listed in search engines like google and yahoo and so on. (It's free info)
You can also go to Technorati Profile to join for free and get listed on this directory of blogs.
Alot of time and hard work is also REQUIRED. You need to follow forums and post your link there. Do this with taste. Don't ruin your reputation before you start. Look for topics athat relate to your site. Include your link in your signature (if allowed). join forums that relate to your site. Mylot is a good one. Here you will earn for free as you post too. Be careful though it does seem that people get to know each other well fast here, so don't just go in gung ho and post and repost nonsense to get your link out there. Enjoy yourself and make friends.
Placing a "add a link button" is the latest advice I have gotten and you can get that free at brave net. I will try this too. I dunno about it though. I am picky about who i would want to list. I am tring to run an honest wholesome site so we will see.
So far this is the best advice I have found. don't give up, it will be a slow go and take your time at first to get the hits you need. As i stated earlier though, you will feel good about getting a voice out there in the mean time and doing some thing constructive. So boost your confidence and get your blog on!
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